Monday 27 November 2017

Longer Lashes and Thicker brows?

Lash serums and hair growth products are big business at the moment with everyone wanting quicker and longer lasting results. However, with the typical expensive price tags there must be a cheaper alternative?

Many brands lash serums already include castor oil.

Castor oil is known to promote hair growth and to slow down hair loss - But why is this?

Castor oil contains natural compounds that promote hair growth. A large percentage of castor oil contains Ricinoleic acid, one of the essential amino acids required by the human body. It’s an Omega-9 fatty acid that can penetrate into the pores of the skin and the hair follicles. It provides nourishment, enabling the hair follicles to restore growth to a normal level.
It’s important to use a product that can reach the hair follicles, as the hair shaft itself is dead. There’s not much that can be done to treat current hair, other than apply castor oil conditioners, but the hair follicles can be persuaded to grow healthy, normal hair.
Castor oil will also protect existing hair follicles, keeping hair from being shed too quickly. The oil will also lessen the impact of sunshine and pollution.

How to Apply?

Now be aware the results don't occur overnight but if you incorporate it into your night time routine every night there will be noticeable results within a few weeks!
  • To apply grab a mascara spoolie pour some oil onto it and apply to both the lashes and eyebrows, make sure to really rub it into the hair follicle as this is were the oil will penetrate deepest.
Where to Buy?
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