Thursday 16 February 2017

10 Things Not to say to Someone with Acne.

It’s just a few spots, stop putting on so much makeup, you'll grow out of it, the doctor will fix it. Sound familiar?

With 8 out of 10 teens experiencing acne you'd think its a very ordinary thing to experience, however it doesn't make it any more pleasant to deal with.
I had acne for 4 years, 3 of them it was bad.(Before/After Pictures at the end.)
I have also done a very in depth Video on YouTube of My Acne Story and Things I wish I had of known. Watch it Here 

Below includes my own personal opinions and experiences which I feel could help others who are struggling or getting a hard time with their skin.

1. "Its not that bad" 
*Eye Roll* Gee thanks for that,  
It can really hurt when some ones says "it’s not that bad", it makes you think your being dramatic over nothing. While they might be trying to make you feel better it can often sound insensitive at the same time. Acne affects everyone differently and everyone reacts differently sometimes people that have never experienced it don't understand, a tiny comment can hurt.

2. "Go to the Doctors" 
I wish the Doctor could just wave a magic wand and cure acne, but they can’t plus I hated going.
Several times I fought back the tears at the doctors, being told “it’s not that bad” because “your good at covering it with makeup, so why worry? I wanted to explode. I'm sure no offence was meant but every time my Mum would make me go (god bless her she done everything and anything she could to help me) I got a sickly feeling, I always felt the Doctor never listened or really cared they just gave me the next acne solution on the list. I even went private to get a dermatologist, it wasn’t worth the money either. In the end, I believed you know your own body and what will work, for me I finally figured out hormones was the cause.

3. "Why do you wear makeup; doesn’t that make it worse?" 
I remember thinking how amazing it would be to not wear any makeup to school and to have the confidence not to care what I looked like. 
Makeup was like a mask for me I didn't feel pretty or normal without it, looking back I realise I had a horrible mindset. Fast forward to when my skin actually cleared and I stopped wearing makeup daily to school. I loved it and I weirdly felt empowered, I was finally doing something I wanted to do for years. 

Heads up people Makeup can’t cause acne alone.  A few breakouts and full blown acne are completely different. Once you stop wearing a product your skin will clear up relatively fast were as with acne it doesn't make a difference.

 4. "It’s only acne you could have it a lot worse" 
Right now, all we want is for you to understand acne sucks and while it isn’t life threatening, it can be mentally draining to deal with. I won’t sugar coat it, I cried more times than I would like to admit over my skin. Then one day I just got to the stage were I thought frig this, instead of letting it get me down why not research and educate myself as much as I could about it instead.

5. "You use to many products on your skin that's why you have acne"  
Holddddd up... firstly I know my own skin, secondly each of these products do a different little job, I've researched them obsessively and it may seem like a lot but if they’re helping why care?

6. "Woah look how much better your skin looks" 
I know your trying to be nice and make me feel good by complimenting me and that’s lovely it really is, but it also highlights my failed efforts and thinking you didn’t notice it when it was really bad, but you really did...

7. "Have you been eating a lot of chocolate? You should Drink more water"
I’ve tried cutting out junk food, stopped eating dairy turned to goat’s milk (and hated it) I’ve made food diaries, recorded everything I’ve eaten, pushed myself to drink over 2L every day, took progress pictures every morning for a year, spent excessive amounts on vitamins and minerals, even went to a Crystal healer to find out if an allergy was causing my acne, and the result? A tiny difference in my skin, nothing worth going to such extreme lengths for, and let me tell you - it was exhausting.

8. "You’ll grow out of it" 
We all know eventually our acne will go away... it has to, right? I surely can’t be an 80-year-old who still has acne can I? At the moment, what I want more than anything is to have nice skin. Research new tips and ideas with me don’t just say a generic response and let that be that.

9. "You should wash your face more" 
Hmm you’d think I’d never thought of that… 

10. "Have you tried Proactive."
I’ve tried Neutrogena, Dual, Garnier, Simple, Epiduro, Retina A, Prescription Acne tablets, Dermalogica, Benzoyl Peroxide Gel, Stridex, Salicylic acid creams, the list could go on forever, it was through constant trial and error (which bear in mind took weeks to see if a product made a difference) until I found exactly what worked for my skin. Regimen – Simple, to the point management, and with the help of hormone tablets and sticking to this and Mario Badescu Products, I finally found something that made a difference

Is there anything you think shouldn’t say to someone with acne? I’d love to hear, let me know below!

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