Now that we're into 2021 I thought I'd start the year off with a simple blog post on how a Barcode Scanner can make your life SO much easier. I am a big fan of Barcode Scanner apps so when a friend of mine asked would I like to be involved in making one, of course I said yes! 

Anycode Wallet
enables you to scan and save barcodes in seconds making life so much easier. Unlike Apple Wallet or Google Pay, you can add any barcode to Anycode Wallet scanning them in milliseconds. From store cards to boarding passes, to concert tickets, the possibilities are endless.     Best of all, it works offline!

1. Free up space in your Purse/Wallet

Ever find your purse is full of loyalty cards gathered up over the years from a variety of shops or restaurants? By using Anycode Wallet you can quickly transfer your cards all onto the app freeing up space and ensuring you always have your loyalty cards on you, even if you forget your purse!

2. Never lose out on using a coupon/gift card again

There's nothing more annoying than having a gift card for a store but never actually having it on you when you need it. With Anycode Wallet simply scan the barcode of your gift card add a quick description of the amount you have on it and there you go! Never miss out on the chance to use a gift card again.

3. Travel, Concerts, Hotel Bookings, Bus passes, Train Tickets, Bar & Restaurant Menus

With Covid changing how restaurants provide menus barcode scanners have become even more necessary, you can easily scan and save menus of your favourite spots. Additionally, Anycode Wallet solves the problem if you find yourself constantly losing paper bus or train tickets. Simply get the ticket, scan it and go! No stress if you misplace it or lose signal, Anycode Wallet works offline too! 

To Download Anycode wallet for iPhone CLICK HERE

To Download Anycode Wallet for Android CLICK HERE

MUST-READ - This book is incredibly insightful, it talks about the different types of attachment styles people have. I say its a must-read even if your single as it teaches you so much about yourself and potential partners. 

One main thing it highlighted was people giving their partners the age-old 'title' of being called a Phyco. This isn't the case at all but in fact, it's all to do with peoples attachment styles. A needy or clingy partner may not actually be like that at all, but their respective partner is bringing out their anxious attachment style. The remedy? Understanding your partner.

The anxious attachment style needs someone who can be 'consistently available' - yes you hear that right, not continuously available but consistently.

Another attachment style is the avoidant - this is someone who is typically titled a 'player' they don't want to be tied down and in fact have a fear of getting to close to someone. Instead, they will end things before they get started or will act erratically making arguments out of nothing.

Its a brilliant read and has lots of examples and scenarios of different attachment styles in play. It also includes why certain relationships will never work, for example why two Avoidants will never click. It also explains how even if you are a specific attachment style at present, it can change and you can become more secure.

A MUST READ if you're currently going through / went through a Break-Up. This was my Bible

It's like the best friend you didn't know you needed telling you how it is, while it is brutally honest it is super necessary. This is literally one of the first books I ever read, yet it has stuck with me for years, anytime I hear someones struggling with a breakup I will always recommend this book. 

To be fair some chapters are very blunt and not all applied to me, nor will they to you. But that's what I liked about it, you can read the relevant parts or chapters that are of most interest to you.

When going through a breakup you can be incredibly confused about your feelings and whats the best way to try move on. This book gives you the kick you need to get your shit together. It will always be a personal favourite, it taught me self love and why having high standards and an even higher level of self-value is the best way forward.

Part 1: The Breakup 
Chapter One: It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken 
Chapter Two: There Are No New Messages 
Chapter Three: He’s Not Hiding At the Bottom of That Pint of Ice Cream 
Chapter Four: If You Mention His Name One More Time... 
Chapter Five: Stop Calling In Sick 
Chapter Six: If He Was So Great, You’d Still Be Together 
Chapter Seven: Fancy Meeting You Here! 
Chapter Eight: What’s He Thinking? 

Part 2: The Breakover 
The First Commandment - Don’t See Him or Talk to Him For Sixty Days 
The Second Commandment - Get Yourself a Breakup Buddy 
The Third Commandment - Get Rid of His Stuff and The Things That Remind You of Him 
The Fourth Commandment - Get Your Ass in Motion Every Day 
The Fifth Commandment - Don’t Wear Your Breakup Out Into the World 
The Sixth Commandment - No Backsliding! 
The Seventh Commandment - It Won’t Work Unless You Are Number One! 
For Those About to Rock 
Bonus Chapter

I personally think EVERYONE should be made to read this book! It's such an eye-opener into how addicted we all really are to our phones. There's even term for it now!! If you're with someone and they keep checking their phone its called 'Phubbing' isn't that crazy.

This book includes a 30-day exercise aimed at showing you how addicted you are to your phone and helping you break that addiction.  It highlights our constant need to feel connected and the psychology behind it.

For example, ever wondered why you feel the need to constantly check how many likes you're getting?
Why when you wake up the first thing you do is check your phone?
Why you scroll aimlessly through Facebook and Instagram?


This dives into Emotional Intelligence, while i find a lot of mindfulness books skip over 'how' of mindfulness, Dr Barbara explains how improving the six dimensions of emotional intelligence will improve appreciation, enjoyment and involvement of everyday life.

If like me your a rationalist you will appreciate the science and logic behind the contents. It helps hit the pause button and bring you back to living in the moment. It's a great book filled with plenty of guidance, examples, tips, tools, exercises to build your confidence.

Off the bat, this wasn't my kind of book. Unfortunately, I found it very cheesy and cliche which just isn't my style of reading. While it is very action-focused and has some good exercises I found it quite an average book. It comes with a CD to listen to, in order to benefit the most you need to take a proactive stance and listen to it and follow the activities.

That being said it does have some very good reviews and if you like a confident ' I can change your life' tone in books this would be perfect for you!

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